Apple is working on a foldable phone of its own, new patents reveal.新的专利指出,苹果公司正在研制其专属折叠式手机。A future iPhone could be hinged in the middle, according to the patents, allowing it to be folded up small and then opened again to allow the screen to be larger.据该专利表明,未来的苹果手机可能会在手机中部装有上铰链,使其可以拉链成小尺寸,而再度关上之后,还可以变为大屏幕。The handset is just one of a range of bendy phones being worked on by companies. While Samsungs Galaxy X is the most famous – and has been shown off in the most detail – just about every major company is working on its own foldable handset.这款手机只是各公司正在研发的折叠式手机系列之一。三星公司早已向大家展出了Galaxy X手机的诸多细节,这也是最出名的折叠式手机,而且完全所有的大公司都在研发其自有的折叠式手机。
Apple is not thought to be releasing a rival model any time soon, and the new iPhones it is set to release in September will keep the same form factor as the existing line-up. But the new patents show it has been considered for a future design.人们毫无疑问,苹果公司近期内不会发售竞品,而且将于今年9月份公布的新款苹果手机的形状参数(尺寸、形状、规格)与现有系列产品完全相同。但新的专利指出,苹果公司早已在考虑到未来的设计了。The patent filing includes a full 24 images, showing different ways the phones could bend. And they dont apply only to iPhones – with features that could work for iPads or even Macs.该专利文件中有整整24张图片,展出了这款手机的有所不同拉链方式。而且它们不仅可以应用于苹果手机,还可以应用于苹果平板电脑,甚至是苹果一体机。
If Apple does not release its new bendy phone until 2020 or later, it is likely to be late. Samsungs foldable phone is due to be released in the coming weeks, and other companies are already preparing their own rivals.如果苹果公司到2020年或更早的时候还并未公布其新款折叠式手机,这有可能就太迟了。三星公司的折叠式手机在数周后将要公布,而且其他公司早已在打算他们自己的竞品了。It might also be that Apple does not reveal a foldable phone at all. The company regularly files patents for products that never actually make it to market.苹果公司也有可能显然会发售折叠式手机。
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